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Gift store & Creative blog


Creating a Lifestyle, based in South Wales, is an online store that reimagines locally sourced materials to create beautiful jewellery and home decor gifts. Porcelain, Resin and driftwood are some of our favourites to work with and we have plans to further explore techniques and project ideas in our future posts.

We are centred around being creative and our blog aims to encourage and guide our readers to be pro-active in their endeavours.

CAL Blog is evolving and documenting our experiences as we grow. The aim is to help you incorporate creative thinking into your lives. Create your own lifestyle, survive parenting and create a passive income from online home-working opportunities. Subscribe to our blog to discover more and keep up to date. 

We would love to hear from you! Feel free to contact us and we shall do all we can to help. We are always open to suggestions and commissioned projects are welcomed.


Wales, United Kingdom

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