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From the discovery that I may be pregnant, all the way through to taking the test, we were on the edge of our seats waiting for the final results to confirm what we were thinking. In the grand scheme of things 5 minutes isn’t very long at all but for us it felt like an eternity. I looked down at the test and was in dismay! It was inconclusive. How can a pee stick be inconclusive I thought? But I didn’t stop long before reaching into the box to take the next one and followed the instructions yet again in the hope that I hadn’t picked up a damaged set. As the 5 minutes now turned into 10 we finally had the results of the test.  

WE WERE PREGNANT! But I had to be double sure as I sat there in slight disbelief and amidst overwhelming, confusing feelings. So I pulled the last test from the box, which was the digital test that tells you how many weeks. Finally after about half an hour drinking loads of water to help me pee and all three sticks later, we finally had the double confirmation we were now expecting. The stick indicated the maximum number of weeks available on the screen, 3+ weeks. Still in shock we sat down and talked it through again and my partner made everything feel so natural and safe. Under any other circumstances I cannot say if we would have decided it to be a positive move to have a baby but with this relationship we just knew and felt it was the right time and that we could make it through this together and it strengthened our commitments towards each other! I would like to take this opportunity to conclude this short article today with a shout out to blogger I recently discovered and very much enjoy reading their stories. Sweet Miles has been a writing inspiration along with many of my Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram followers. I would like to say a thank you for encouraging me to continue writing and learning to evolve my story telling skills. 

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